Monday, August 22, 2016

PV East Dorms - Lobby Bathrooms

At a Glance
  • Single Bathroom
    • Urinal Included
  • Hooks: Yes
  • Graffiti: Yes
  • Supplies: Well Stocked


Poop in peace my brothers and sisters. The glory of the single bathroom is yours for the taking!

Overall - 5/5; No Traffic


Up the ramp next to the entrance to the hub
Initially the lobby appears to be locked behind a card scanner, which only residents of the dorms can use. However, this is easily bypassed if you detour through the hub. You may be tempted to just use the bathrooms in the hub area, but resist! These bathrooms are immensely nicer, and only a few steps further. 

If you live at these dorms, I HIGHLY recommend the trip down to the lobby to avoid using your own bathroom. I imagine it looks terrible you filthy animal.

The bathrooms are a little bit hard to spot at first, but can be found at the top of the accessibility ramp.

Overall - 3.5/5; Fairly Easy to Access For Those in PV East

Cleanliness and Atmosphere

Like most engineers, I was unfortunate to find myself in the PV East dorms. The cramped and old rooms were made to seem even more inhospitable by the view of the glowing beacon of the Manzanita dorms just across the way, which, although not amazing, were the symbol of luxury to us. The worst part were undoubtedly the bathrooms; a small shabby room strained by the effort of accommodating four freshman who had little intention of keeping it clean beyond the most basic levels.

So if this is a situation you find yourself in, you will be every so pleased to discover the oasis that resides beneath your very feet. Impeccably clean, and the perfect escape if you need a minute or two to yourself.

Overall - 3.5/5; Fairly exquisite


Definitely choose if in the area, especially over the PV East Hub bathroom


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