Thursday, February 4, 2016

Brickyard - 6th Floor

If you aren't familiar with Brickyard, ASU's extra little campus, read the building overview here.

At a Glance

  • 2 Urinals; 2 Stalls
  • Dividers: Yes - Thick ones
  • Disposable Covers: Yes
  • Hooks: No
  • Graffiti: N/a
  • Supplies: Well stocked; Automatic-Sink
Other: Carries a shelf outside the stalls. You might consider placing your backpack here, as there is no hooks, but based on the quality of this bathroom, you are not risking much by placing it onto the floor.



This one is certainly not easy to access. For one, brickyard is a good 15 minute walk from campus, making it essentially useless to those who do not already have classes here. Secondly, it's at the six floor, which very few students have reason to be. For this bathroom, you will want to take a left as you exit the elevator, as the right leads to a front desk, which leads to a terribly awkward conversation.

2.5/5  (Unless you decided to walk 15 minutes just to use the bathroom, in which case 1/5 you ridiculous, but tenacious explorer)


The only people who use this bathroom are the workers at brickyard, which there are quite a bit, and those who are reading this post, which there are few. So expect a few people to come in here and there.


Atmosphere and Cleanliness

Walking into this bathroom, I was forced to double check that I did in fact walk into an ASU bathroom. While the majority of restrooms on this campus It exudes a sleek style that compliments the rest of Brickyard's color scheme. 


Hey, actual carpet!

I particularly enjoy the circular mirrors

Toilet Stall
Look at that wood!
Forgive my mess

The bathroom was held to a high level of cleanliness as well. As the toilet is manned by adult employees, were there any graffiti, which there is none, it would not be of good reading material. Probably about taxes or whatever it is working adults complain about.



Quite a stunning display. If you find yourself in the neighborhood whilst dropping the kids off at the pool, I would highly suggest you swing by.


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