Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hayden Library - Base Floor: Near Entrance

Full Hayden Building Guide

At A Glance:

  • 2 Stalls; 2 Urinals
  • Disposable Cover: No
  • Hooks: Yes
  • Urinal Dividers: No
  • Graffiti: Yes - In the stalls
  • Toilet Paper: Well Stocked
  • Paper Towels: Well Stocked; Non-Auto
  • Soap: One dispenser was out, the other was near full; Non-Auto
Other: I had a brief scare when my initial flush left behind a few small scraps. However this was quickly rectified by another flush, and no issues arose.


It is to your immediate left as you enter the library (past the “cafe” area, that is). Although it’s tempting to find instant relief, refer to the Golden Rule. This bathroom is best utilized in instances when you get the urge on your way out of the library, or if you’re occupying the seats in the lobby area.


It’s positioning near an entrance ensures a steady stream of visitors. With only two stalls and two urinals, there might be possible trouble getting in immediately, but luckily there is another bathroom at the main elevators nearby [Covered here].

Cleanliness and Atmosphere:

A small bare-bones bathroom. You’ll find the toilet and urinals clean enough, but the walls and floors show their age. The sink area is fairly clean, and the mirrors in good shape. The smell is around what you’d expect for a bathroom with such use, and is tolerable enough for those longer sessions. However, ultimately, you will not wish to stay here longer than necessary.

Summary: Will get the job done, but every other bathroom is a better choice.


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