Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hayden Library - Base Floor: Group Study Bathroom

At a Glance

  • Disposable Covers: No
  • Hooks: No
  • Dividers: No
  • Toilet Paper: Well Stocked
  • Paper Towels: Well Stocked
  • Graffiti: If you investigate the stalls, you may be able to make out the faint memory of some graffiti, but it has largely been removed by staff. None of it is truly worth your time reardless


This particular bathroom is nested in the back of the group study area on the main floor. For those who plan on using this area, this bathroom is perfectly located. If not, there is little reason to go out of your way for this bathroom.

5/5 - For those using the area
1.5/5 For all others


The traffic for this bathroom can be easily assessed by looking at the amount of people in the group area. For the most part, however, I found the traffic to be about average; expect at most 3/4 people. As there are only 2 of both urinals and toilets, there may be a possible danger of having to wait. In that case, the toilets located at the entrance are just around the corner.


Atmosphere and Cleanliness

This is one of Hayden's better bathroom. Not spectacular by any means, but is certainly cleaner than most bathrooms in the building. There is quite a bit of space here, but not many toilets to use, ending with a bit of wasted space. The counters were the highlight of the bathroom; they were surprisingly well made for this level of bathroom. The toilets were near spotless, as was the floor. 



Overall, this is occasionally the cleanest restroom in the building, although probably not worth going out of your way for.


Hayden Library - F2: Near Elevators

Full Hayden Guide

At a Glance:

  • Disposable Covers: No
  • Hooks: No
  • Dividers: No
  • Toilet Paper: Fairly Well Stocked
  • Soap: Well Stocked
  • Paper Towels: Well Stocked
  • Graffiti: No


There is only one bathroom shared between the first and second floor of this library. This means if you at all plan to utilize these floors, this is your best shot. Unfortunately, it can be quite a walk if you like to use the space beyond the bookshelves on the wall.
3/5 - 2nd Floor
2/5 - 1st Floor


One would think having to share a bathroom between two floors would make said bathroom quite the happening place, but surprisingly, even with both floors fairly active, the bathroom never housed more than 2 other members at a time (not including me). Yet, you will still not find that oh-so-desirable peace.

 Atmosphere and Cleanliness

The first thing you will undoubtedly notice is the unappealing aquamarine theme (unless you are color blind, which in this case is a positive). That, alongside the slightly dim lights, paints a sullen mood to poop in. It's not all bad to want to stand out from the other restrooms--I encourage it in fact--but you can't just slap an odd color of paint on the walls and expect to be hailed as the next Van Gogh of restrooms.
While not the worst bathroom in the library, I was surprised to find it in slightly worse shape than the main floor (The review of which, can be found here). It’s not often a bathroom breaks the Golden Rule, although not totally unheard of, especially in understandable cases–such as this case, I imagine–in where maintaining the first floor usually takes more priority. Nevertheless, it was on the whole, less clean than the main floor’s bathroom, however only to a small degree.


With Hayden's limited choice of bathrooms, this is about the kind of quality you will be forced to settle for. That being said, it was not awful, and it's clear it has had a good amount of upkeep when compared to the amount of usage it undoubtedly has.


Hayden Library - Base Floor: Near Entrance

Full Hayden Building Guide

At A Glance:

  • 2 Stalls; 2 Urinals
  • Disposable Cover: No
  • Hooks: Yes
  • Urinal Dividers: No
  • Graffiti: Yes - In the stalls
  • Toilet Paper: Well Stocked
  • Paper Towels: Well Stocked; Non-Auto
  • Soap: One dispenser was out, the other was near full; Non-Auto
Other: I had a brief scare when my initial flush left behind a few small scraps. However this was quickly rectified by another flush, and no issues arose.


It is to your immediate left as you enter the library (past the “cafe” area, that is). Although it’s tempting to find instant relief, refer to the Golden Rule. This bathroom is best utilized in instances when you get the urge on your way out of the library, or if you’re occupying the seats in the lobby area.


It’s positioning near an entrance ensures a steady stream of visitors. With only two stalls and two urinals, there might be possible trouble getting in immediately, but luckily there is another bathroom at the main elevators nearby [Covered here].

Cleanliness and Atmosphere:

A small bare-bones bathroom. You’ll find the toilet and urinals clean enough, but the walls and floors show their age. The sink area is fairly clean, and the mirrors in good shape. The smell is around what you’d expect for a bathroom with such use, and is tolerable enough for those longer sessions. However, ultimately, you will not wish to stay here longer than necessary.

Summary: Will get the job done, but every other bathroom is a better choice.


Hayden Library: Base Floor - Near Main Elevators

  • Disposable Covers: No
  • Hooks: No
  • Urinal Dividers: No
  • Graffiti: No
  • Soap: Well Stocked; Non-automatic
  • Paper Towels: Well Stocked; Non-automatic
Other: One of the more innovative features of this bathroom comes in the form of a plastic laptop holder in every stall. Commissioned in the hopes of cutting down on laptop theft, this allows you to easily take your laptop with you, taking a load off your mind while dropping another load down the pipes.


This is probably the most convenient bathroom to get to if you are utilizing any of the nearby computers or tables. I find myself primarily using it whilst in the midst of an extreme study/homework session, and can’t be bothered to find something better. However, for maximum comfort, refer to the Golden Rule.


Being in the middle of Hayden’s main floor, expect constant traffic. Despite this, there is no real difficulty in getting a stall.


This is bathroom at it’s most mediocre. The floors are clean enough, and most often you wont find anything more than stray urine on your toilet. However, you wont feel compelled to stay in this restroom for more than you’ll need to get the deed done. The smell is about what you’d expect from a bathroom. The mirror and sink had seen better days, but the bathroom was free from graffiti.

Summary: One of the most accessible in the library. It works just a little bit harder than most bathrooms in a similar location.
